Happy New Year’s Eve!
Last year I figured people might need help making New Year’s Resolutions.
So I made this little thing, and it seemed a good time to bring it back out.

Personally, I resolve to keep fighting with ornery orcs.
Happy New Year’s Eve!
Last year I figured people might need help making New Year’s Resolutions.
So I made this little thing, and it seemed a good time to bring it back out.
Personally, I resolve to keep fighting with ornery orcs.
Quit shouting prophesies at ornery orcs.
Work on usurping the throne of trouncing trolls! Yahooooo!!!
I resolve to keep shouting prophecies at gnawing gnomes!…maybe this year they’ll finally listen… 🙂
I resolve to start defending the throne of under-achieving unicorns!
Quit Wizarding Against Ornery Orcs
I resolve to start predicting death for under-achieving unicorns. LOL