
Is This a Turning Point in Self-Publishing?

If you’re a Platinum Reader, Axis of Aaron is in your Members Library already. If you’re not a Platinum Reader, please click here to get Axis on Amazon now. To anyone with an Internet connection and a love of literature, it’s obvious that self-publishing is the future...

This is Why the Smarter Artist is Important

You know what I always wanted to be, ever since I was a kid? A storyteller. Not just a writer, but a teller of stories. At no point did I want to be a blogger. At no point did I want to teach or sell knowledge. At no point did I want to be an “authority”...

Gallery Post Format

In short, with a theme that supports Post Formats, a user can change how each post looks by choosing a Post Format from a radio-button list. Cadmus supports: Gallery, Link, Image, Quote, Video and Audio post formats.