by J.A. Andrews | Jan 5, 2016 | general
I had good intentions for a fun Christmas gift for my husband, but I slacked and it didn’t get done. I’m thinking it still may happen though, because we’re still IN the twelve days of Christmas, right? Right. I think…googling…Nevermind,...
by J.A. Andrews | Dec 29, 2015 | general
It’s almost New Years. Last week I did a stellar job of bringing you a post filled with Christmas Goodness and Joy, so I thought I’d keep it up and address the obvious topic for this week. New Year’s Resolutions for 2016. But there’s one problem with this – I...
by J.A. Andrews | Dec 22, 2015 | general
That isn’t some sort of metaphor. It was real turkeys and they really were following me. Christmas is in three days and it feels like I should write something Christmassy. Something profound and moving. Unfortunately, I’ve got nothing like that in the ol’ brain. What...
by J.A. Andrews | Dec 15, 2015 | general
Remember I told you a couple weeks ago about how bad I am at being the Tooth Fairy? And how my nine-year-old still unquestioningly believes in her contrary to all logic? Well the other day my six-year-old daughter joined in. She’s lost a handful of teeth already. The...
by J.A. Andrews | Dec 8, 2015 | general
As I write this, it’s December 7th. Using higher math I can calculate that we sit 22 days from Christmas. Wow. Let’s just take a moment to admire how bad that math was. I’m pretty sure most people would erase that and stick in the right answer. Instead I’m going to...