Way-Past-Last-Minute Christmas Gifts

Way-Past-Last-Minute Christmas Gifts

I had good intentions for a fun Christmas gift for my husband, but I slacked and it didn’t get done. I’m thinking it still may happen though, because we’re still IN the twelve days of Christmas, right? Right. I think…googling…Nevermind,...
A Resolution for Future-Me

A Resolution for Future-Me

It’s almost New Years. Last week I did a stellar job of bringing you a post filled with Christmas Goodness and Joy, so I thought I’d keep it up and address the obvious topic for this week. New Year’s Resolutions for 2016. But there’s one problem with this – I...
The turkeys are following me.

The turkeys are following me.

That isn’t some sort of metaphor. It was real turkeys and they really were following me. Christmas is in three days and it feels like I should write something Christmassy. Something profound and moving. Unfortunately, I’ve got nothing like that in the ol’ brain. What...
The Tooth Fairy bites it…or does she?

The Tooth Fairy bites it…or does she?

Remember I told you a couple weeks ago about how bad I am at being the Tooth Fairy? And how my nine-year-old still unquestioningly believes in her contrary to all logic? Well the other day my six-year-old daughter joined in. She’s lost a handful of teeth already. The...