

It’s open burn season in the mountains right now and that means cool, drizzly March days with a big fire in the yard as we burn the remains of several creepy old sheds that our property held. I love open burn season. On Sunday, we also managed to remember that, since...
I have a spider problem.

I have a spider problem.

I’m having a spider problem. The problem is that they seem to really like me. I’m not particularly scared of spiders, but they do have that pop-out-of-no-where-to-freak-you-out factor. Normally, spiders just stick to ceilings and dark corners, but lately they’ve been...
Howls and Spinning

Howls and Spinning

Parenting is tricky.   One part of the trickiness is that kids are just weird. Usually their weirdness ebbs and flows so that a strange mannerism will appear for a few weeks, then disappear and no one will remember. But how are you supposed to know which weird things...
Happy Tuesday

Happy Tuesday

It’s Tuesday again and I’ve got nothing. So, I’m just going to do the best I can. Today that best is a joke I heard from a nine-year-old. Adjust your expectations accordingly. (Drumroll please…) What has a bottom on the top? There you go, it’s actually more of a...