by J.A. Andrews | Mar 29, 2016 | general
It’s open burn season in the mountains right now and that means cool, drizzly March days with a big fire in the yard as we burn the remains of several creepy old sheds that our property held. I love open burn season. On Sunday, we also managed to remember that, since...
by J.A. Andrews | Mar 22, 2016 | general
Today’s post is a throwback from two years ago, but unfortunately, a little piece of it has resurfaced and made it newly relevant to my life. My youngest son, dubbed appropriately Chaos, has a talent for making up words he thinks are nonsense, but in fact are...
by J.A. Andrews | Mar 15, 2016 | general
I’m having a spider problem. The problem is that they seem to really like me. I’m not particularly scared of spiders, but they do have that pop-out-of-no-where-to-freak-you-out factor. Normally, spiders just stick to ceilings and dark corners, but lately they’ve been...
by J.A. Andrews | Mar 8, 2016 | general
Parenting is tricky. One part of the trickiness is that kids are just weird. Usually their weirdness ebbs and flows so that a strange mannerism will appear for a few weeks, then disappear and no one will remember. But how are you supposed to know which weird things...
by J.A. Andrews | Feb 16, 2016 | general
It’s Tuesday again and I’ve got nothing. So, I’m just going to do the best I can. Today that best is a joke I heard from a nine-year-old. Adjust your expectations accordingly. (Drumroll please…) What has a bottom on the top? There you go, it’s actually more of a...